Our antennas based on quad-ridged horn technology are perfectly suitable for diverse space applications ranging from GNSS Augmentation to Space Situational Awareness, Spectrum Surveillance, etc.
We develop ridged-horn antennas to be integrated into ad-hoc architected satellite payloads as part of specific projects agreed upon with the customer. Its full-metal design allows these antennas to be devoid of disruptive phenomena such as electrostatic discharge, thus ensuring robustness in hostile environments, as well as providing extremely low insertion losses.
Specifically, Anywaves quad-ridged horn antennas are designed to attain radiate fields in dual linear/circular polarization over very wide frequency ranges, i.e., up to 100% of fractional bandwidth. Case in point, an antenna version operating in the unified C+X band achieves boresight gain values above 8 dBi with radiation efficiency higher than 90%.
Moreover, Anywaves guarantees an antenna device that meets high space standards in terms of thermoelastic robustness. Our horns undergo indeed a qualification campaign that includes vibration, shocks, and thermal vacuum cycling. Acceptance tests customized to your specific needs are possible too.
Please note that our quad-ridged horn antennas are not a COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) product. They are custom-made upond demand, hence why we do not have a generic datasheet to provide.
Contact our team for more information about the Quad-Ridged Horn Antenna today.
From S to X-band
Dual linear/circular polarization
> 6 dBi at boresight everywhere from S- to C-band
> 8 dBi at boresight everywhere from C- to X-band
For S+C band solution:
< 110x110x200 mm3
For C+X band solution:
< 60x60x150 mm3
Full-metal structure
Download the datasheet
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