Our podcast - The Space Antenna Makers
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Space antennas fulfil an ever-growing range of functional requirements and the range of antennas available reflects that… But sometimes, the needs are so specific that they require a specific solution…
For this fourth episode of The Space Antenna Makers, we have a special edition, with two Anywaves engineers specialized in specific specimens: Nelson Fonseca PhD, Antenna Innovation Manager, and Louis Mangenot MSc, Mechanical and Thermal Engineer, and Project Management Officer.
A specific specimen is an antenna designed and built for a particular set of needs; they require absolute cutting edge technology but also engineering creativity and innovation.
Asteroids, comets, meteors, meteorites… the natural objects in Space are generally just fine, after all, it’s their natural environment. But when it comes to human-made objects, space is harsh!
For the third episode of The Space Antenna Makers, we met an Engineer specialised in dealing with that harshness: Mathias Nicolle.
After working on a payload for the International Space Station at Airbus Defense & Space, Mathias was well-equipped to join Anywaves. As a Mechanical & Thermal Engineer, the challenging lifecycle of an antenna in orbit holds no secrets for him!
Satellites communicate with each other - and with us - thanks to a vast range of types of antenna. From telemetry to telecommunications to G.N.S.S. and beyond, the permutations can seem endless… So for episode 2 of The Space Antenna Makers, we met up with an expert in the field: Maxime Romier PhD, formerly antenna expert at the French Space Agency CNES, and now Chief Technical Officer at Anywaves.
Antoine Simon PhD is Research & Development Engineer at ANYWAVES and an expert in Radio Frequency. We talk with him about the remarkable tech behind antennas but also about why humans are in space: pushing back the frontiers of our knowledge of the universe, keeping us safe, making sure we don’t get lost, letting us talk to each other across the globe!
Listen now to hear all about how satellites and antennas work and the huge difference they make to our lives.
If you have any question, we would be happy to help you out.