Single-fed circularly polarized dielectric resonator antenna using a uniaxial anisotropic material

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Authors : Carlos D. Morales; Christophe Morlaas; Alexandre Chabory; Romain Pascaud; Marjorie Grzeskowiak; Gautier Mazingue

Published in: Antennas and Propagation Conference 2019 (APC-2019)

A Dielectric Resonator Antenna operating in circular polarization is presented. The proposed antenna is formed by a uniaxial anisotropic dielectric and a ground plane. The optimization of the permittivity tensor and antenna dimensions is performed both theoretically and numerically using an Eigen mode analysis in Ansys HFSS. A good agreement is obtained for the resonant frequencies and quality factors of the different modes. The uniaxial anisotropic DRA radiates two degenerate orthogonal modes, TE 111 x and TE 111 y , with equal amplitudes and 90° phase difference in order to achieve circular polarization. An impedance bandwidth of 9.8% is accomplished and a broadside radiation pattern with left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) is achieved in simulation. Furthermore, an Axial Ratio (AR) of 0.06 dB at 2.45 GHz and a 3-dB AR bandwidth of 2.04% are obtained. The maximum simulated directivity is equal to 6.56 dBi.


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