Our team of experts is here to assist you in defining your specific requirements and needs. We will provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the process to ensure a clear understanding of what you are looking for. Whether you require compact antennas for shifted S-Band TT&C, payload antennas, deep space missions, or any other purpose, we will work closely with you to identify and articulate your precise needs in terms of bandwidth, gain, polarization, size, and form factor. This collaborative approach allows us to tailor our solutions and find the best possible match for your requirements.
Please note that our compact antennas are not a COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) product. They are custom-made upond demand, hence why we do not have a generic datasheet to provide.
For further information about our range of compact antennas, we invite you to get in touch with us!
From L-band to X-band
Single-circular / Dual-circular / Single-linear / Dual-linear polarization
Radiation pattern tailored to your needs
To be tailored to your needs.
Typically, around 10%
Depends on your performance requirements.
Typically, lower than 1U
Concepts and technologies based on previous products
Download the datasheet
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